1Feb 7, 2018
Felt like sharing something I’ve written, today on our 13th wedding anniversary. Michael learns to rock. It’s a separate playlist I made two weeks ago. I listen to it on this bright Sunday morning, full of breezes and winter chills. All that’s needed is a hot cup of tea, yet another one, yes. And all […]
2Aug 16, 2017
Last week I was watching my regular reality TV show when I started feeling a change in my mood. I was beginning to relate one of the characters on TV with my late wife. Then out of nowhere a flood of emotions, mostly sadness and anger, ensued. This is not the first time that I […]
3Sep 9, 2016
Be a part of tomorrow, because you matter. World suicide prevention day.
4May 17, 2016
Some of the best advice I received during my initial days of second bachelorhood is take a break, go out and be with friends. I tried it. But the friend circle I had was limited. The friends with whom I did not have much touch with during married days, I did not get the same […]
5Jan 12, 2016
I’d say most of us are a part of this rat race, watching our peers grow. Why do I feel so? I was, or rather I am party to this rat race. The cost of living is high, my peers buy houses, inflation… run the race, earn more… push working hours, impress boss, get a […]
6Nov 24, 2015
“Daddy, I do not want to talk about it”, was my then 6 year old’s response when I asked him if he missed his mother. I was worried he was suppressing his grief and needed to be more expressive. It all started when his class teacher noticed he was making more than usual drawings in […]
7Oct 18, 2015
Year 2013- My son was 6 years old and was attending school. I was with the doctor. The doctor held my hand and said it was over. Your wife is no more, please start informing your family – was his message. The first thing which struck me was how was I going to disclose this […]