11Jan 12, 2016
I’d say most of us are a part of this rat race, watching our peers grow. Why do I feel so? I was, or rather I am party to this rat race. The cost of living is high, my peers buy houses, inflation… run the race, earn more… push working hours, impress boss, get a […]
12Nov 24, 2015
“Daddy, I do not want to talk about it”, was my then 6 year old’s response when I asked him if he missed his mother. I was worried he was suppressing his grief and needed to be more expressive. It all started when his class teacher noticed he was making more than usual drawings in […]
13Nov 3, 2015
“I am a single parent. What is your super power?” I smiled at the whatsApp post. Tearing my eyes away from the mobile screen, I saw my stubborn offspring staring at me, reinforcing what I just read. Had I read this post a year ago, I swear I would have been laughing at it, but […]
14Oct 14, 2015
I never planned on being a single mum. I was raised the good ol’ fashioned way to believe that marriage is for life. But my life had plans of the contrary. And as fate would have it, I found myself alone with a little ‘un to take care off. But WOW! 8 years and what […]