11Jan 12, 2016
I’d say most of us are a part of this rat race, watching our peers grow. Why do I feel so? I was, or rather I am party to this rat race. The cost of living is high, my peers buy houses, inflation… run the race, earn more… push working hours, impress boss, get a […]
12Dec 29, 2015
Let me narrate a few pages from my life. When I was in an abusive relationship, I had to do almost everything for my child, all by myself. Dropping and picking him up from school, paying the school fees, preparing his lunch/snacks/dinner, taking him son out to play, to museums, and parks. So I was […]
13Dec 22, 2015
Back in 2005 when I was in the US and still married, a dear friend – Auntie A, as my son calls her (back then she was a single mom) gifted my son a Christmas stocking. Handing over the stocking she said, ” From now on that’s where the card requesting Christmas presents from Santa […]
14Dec 15, 2015
As a working mum, I often felt guilt about not being there for my child. Was I missing out on the best years? Would the bond we shared be strong enough to get us through the teenage years? Would we be able to be friends when she was all grown up in her twenties? Would […]
15Nov 24, 2015
“Daddy, I do not want to talk about it”, was my then 6 year old’s response when I asked him if he missed his mother. I was worried he was suppressing his grief and needed to be more expressive. It all started when his class teacher noticed he was making more than usual drawings in […]
16Nov 3, 2015
“I am a single parent. What is your super power?” I smiled at the whatsApp post. Tearing my eyes away from the mobile screen, I saw my stubborn offspring staring at me, reinforcing what I just read. Had I read this post a year ago, I swear I would have been laughing at it, but […]
17Oct 18, 2015
Year 2013- My son was 6 years old and was attending school. I was with the doctor. The doctor held my hand and said it was over. Your wife is no more, please start informing your family – was his message. The first thing which struck me was how was I going to disclose this […]
18Oct 14, 2015
I never planned on being a single mum. I was raised the good ol’ fashioned way to believe that marriage is for life. But my life had plans of the contrary. And as fate would have it, I found myself alone with a little ‘un to take care off. But WOW! 8 years and what […]
19Sep 22, 2015
‘No chocolate before lunch!’. 2 minutes of crying out in protest. ‘Have a little gravy with your rice, it looks so dry!’. 5 minutes of screaming and howling. ‘Why don’t you wear this blue dress instead of this pink one you’re always wearing?!’ All hell breaks loose. Sound familiar? Or worse. Does this sound unfamiliar to […]