The Buddha moment
Until last June, whenever my son received a birthday party invite I dreaded it.
Not because I did not want him to go and enjoy the birthday party, but I knew what would be our conversation that night at bedtime.
Since the age of 5 after each birthday party, during bedtime while I would be reading a story to him my son would pop a question “So why can’t I have both my parents at least on my birthday?”
It would break my heart each time the kid asked this question.
But with a straight face and monotonous tone of voice I would reply “Your dad lives in another country and we are no longer together. So it is difficult for him to be here for your birthday party as he doesn’t get leave during that time to visit India”
In early 2016, one night when a similar session happened, I couldn’t contain my tears and excused myself saying that my phone was ringing.
I rushed to the bathroom and I cried my heart out and felt helpless that I couldn’t give my child something that his heart so desires. All he wanted was that both his parent be present during his birthday party.
Next day when I was more calm and composed and could think straight after my morning coffee, I decided to send a text to my son’s father requesting him to visit our son during his birthday.
I decided to put my ego aside and request.
His father asked to give him a few days to revert.
And after about a fortnight he messaged back saying that he has managed to get leave and tickets to visit India during our son’s birthday.
In all my 11 years of motherhood, this I think was the best birthday gift I gave my son last year, where I put my ego aside and asked for something that my son so deserved.
I stood up for my son and I am proud of that!