Hello my beautiful child
Hello my beautiful child,
You are almost grown up. Almost a teenager and I never written you a letter like this before. I sit here and wonder about all the things I want to tell you, to teach you and to share with you. But there just don’t seem to be enough “right” moments. Or time for that matter.
Just know that I love you. No matter what happens in your life or mine, the one thing that will never change is my love for you. No, actually that may not be completely true. It does change. My love for you grows constantly. Even when I think there isn’t any more space in my heart, you make it grow to fill in more love.
I’m sitting here thinking of the children around us who in recent times have found no way out but to end their journeys. I cry for them. I cry for their parents. It is every parent’s worst nightmare come true. So know this….
No matter how difficult, no matter how painful, no matter how scary, no matter how shameful, no matter what….I WILL still want you in my life. I can’t promise I will not be upset. Nor can I say, I will not be angry or disappointed. But I know this much…there is nothing you can EVER do, that will make me not want you in my life. There is nothing that will make me want you gone. There will never be a reason that I will shy away from being your mother and loving you.
While I pray that your life’s journey never includes any of this or worse or more, I want you to know this:
You can get pregnant and think it a mistake. I’ll want you.
You can end up being an addict. I’ll want you.
You can steal. I’ll still want you.
You can get bad grades. I’ll still want you.
You can drop out of school. I’ll still want you.
You can hurt someone. I’ll still want you.
You can lie. I’ll still want you.
You can make what you think is a bad choice. I’ll still want you.
An incident, a decision, a mistake, another person does not define you. Don’t ever believe that. Don’t ever even think so. Whatever life has in store for you I will want you in my life. And when needed I will pick you up or hold your hand or just stand by you. I am your mother. Never doubt my love for you. Never doubt that WE can move on from the worst.
You are a beautiful human being. Life’s journey will take you through ups and downs. Some downs will be so low that you may think that you will never be able to get up again. And its okay to feel that way. But I will still want you in my life.
So while I wish life’s journey only has good things in store for you, remember that no matter what I will want you.
I believe in you. I love you. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for being my child.